Tuesday 29 September 2009


I just found this list of the most annoying things about facebook on bigtalkmag.com, and it's so TRUE !

1. Too many event Invites leading to SPAM messages!

Its not the actual event invite that’s the problem. It’s the admins who think they can fill our inbox with messages about the event.

It’s all very nice being invited to an event, but this doesn’t mean you have the right to send me about 100 messages telling me that I need to send you names to be on the guestlist by 6pm. Did I even say I was attending anyway? Nope!

You may wonder why you get loads of messages about an event you have no interest in. For some stupid reason Facebook allow event admins to be able to bulk message (SPAM) everyone who was invited to the event, even if they ignored the event invite!

The Solution?? Facebook need to make it happen so that Event Admins can only message those who actually do click “ATTENDING” on these events!

2. Silly Status Updates!

Yep, silly status updates which are just disguised cries for attention! For example, Joe Bloggs “Is really not happy”. Then a comment will usually ask “What’s wrong”, then the person will reply “don’t want to talk about it”.


You also get people who put something in their status along the lines of “I have made my decision”, yet when you ask them about it they tell you that you are being nosy? So why put it in your status for EVERYONE to see?? We do not need these time-wasting statuses, so please click the “share” button if anyone on your list does this!

3. Random Friend Adding.

The vast majority of people started using Facebook to escape all the random people who would add you on Myspace. However, Facebook is becoming more and more like Myspace everyday. Fact is we are all guilty of it, I can guarantee that everyone reading this has at least one person on their friends list that they have never ever met or spoken to. Some probably have hundreds! Yes, Facebook is all about social networking but just adding someone as a friend and not ever making the effort to talk to them is just rude.

4. Facebook Whores

This does not mean the type of girl that gives it up easy although we wouldn’t be surprised if that was true too. To sum it up it’s the girl who seems to be friends with EVERYONE on Facebook! They have a few pretty pics up, have 2/3/4000+ friends on their page with the vast majority being male.

What makes it worse is that the Facebook “Whore” will then believe these men are her “fans”. She will normally update her status about a minimum of ten times a day with some sort of attention seeking nonsense. This results in loads of hungry guys sucking up to them in their comments which then boosts the girls ego even more. Then to top if off they get some professional photos done and hey presto, she’s a “model”! Yeah that’s great….A model who you never seen anywhere in the media apart from on Facebook!

Facebook “Whores” are everywhere these days! You can’t avoid them because they are always updating their status or uploading pics/videos so the best thing to do is simply “Remove Friend”. Let other people follow these so-called Facebook “Celebrities” and their self obsessed antics!

This probably reminds you of someone on your Facebook so make sure you click “share” so they see it!

5. Facebook Stalkers

Following on from the random friend adders are the people that will add you to stalk you! And we don’t mean in a scary or vicious way. You probably have people on your list that have added you as a friend, not to actually be your friend but just so they can see your profile, your pics, your statuses, and generally what you are getting up to. This can be for many reasons, I will leave that to the imagination. But be wary of who you add and let into your network because there are a lot of them all out there!!

6. Someone likes your status when there's nothing to like?

So I decide to ask a question in my status along the lines of “Where is good to go tonight? A minute later I get a notification “Joe Bloggs likes your status”. WHY??? What were you thinking to see my status and “like” anything about it? It’s a straight up question. The reason people do this has to be one of the greatest mysteries of Facebook.

7. Stupid Games:

It’s a bit worrying that some of the biggest groups on Facebook are also the most stupid, (wonder what that tells you?).

An example of a “stupid” group would be “We will not pay for facebook, we are gone if this happens”. You have to be pretty stupid to believe that Facebook will start to charge for a service they make Millions of Pounds from in advertising as it is. The whole reason they make so much from adverts is simply because their service is FREE. And you have to be even more stupid to think that joining that group will change anything anyway!

8. Bad Spelling:

Everyone makes spelling mistakes but some are worse then others! There are grown adults who use Facebook and cant even spell the simplest words!? WTF? I often see:

Lose spelt as “Loose”,
Lonely spelt as “Lonly”
Waste spelt as “Waist”
Tired spelt as “Tierd”

I could go on but it’s boring already. People like this really need to spend less time on Facebook and go back to school!

9. People who announce they are deleting friends:

So someone has updated their status and it says they are going on a “deleting spree”. They might also suggest that people contact them to ask (beg) not to be deleted. Now unless you’re a close friend or your name is Beyonce or Jay Z then I really don’t care either way if you don’t consider me worthy enough to be on your friends list and I’m pretty sure everyone else feels the same! You are obviously announcing that you’re deleting people so that you get someone new to talk to who asks (begs) not to be deleted, so from the sounds of it you need to be adding more friends rather then deleting if you’re that lonely!

10. Stupid Applications:

Nuff said!

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